Foto: suara.com
“We appreciate PT Astra Daihatsu Motor and PT Toyota Astra Motor for the launching of their products through a collaboration today,” he said.
Collaboration on research and development process creates superior quality product and superior vehicles. “We want more and more vehicles are produced globally to enter the export market,” he said.
Collaboration is needed to build synergies with the perpetrators of domestic component industry that will enhance the independence of the national automotive industry, especially in the field of engine technology, transmission, and axle. “We invite all automotive manufacturers together with its business partners to continuously invest in Indonesia and make Indonesia base of car industry and component industry in ASEAN even in the world,” he said.
Car industry in Indonesia is growing rapidly. “Sales of automobiles in 2015 reached 1.1 million units. The government is optimistic that sales will continue to increase in accordance with the increase in the Indonesian economy,” he said.
He appealed automotive manufacturers to continuously maintain and even improve the quality and commitment to manufacturing on schedule and prioritise content from local industry (DCL), in line with the government’s programme.
“We expect the automotive industry increasingly makes room for small and medium industries (SMI) of metal, rubber, plastic and leather to support the automotive industry,” he said. That’s in line with the National Industrial Development Master Plan (RIPIN) which states that the development of automotive industry becomes one of 10 priorities of industry mainstay.
The Indonesian government is determined to maintain, improve and enhance a conducive business climate so that investors have a better business certainty in formulating industrial development in more measured and planned manner. “The government assured through various government economic policy packages to improve the business climate and improve investors’ confidence,” he said. (*)