Menteri Koordinator Bidang Perekonomian Darmin Nasution, Foto: http://suaramuhammadiyah.com/
JAKARTA— Coordinating Minister of Economic Mr Darmin Nasution confirmed the importance of priority industries that can be developed and supported by all ministries to improve economic performance. “There should be a plan to develop some targeted industries. We focus on there,” Mr Nasution said after chairing a coordination meeting in Jakarta, Thursday, 12 May 2016.
The coordination meeting to discuss priorities of industrialisation and continued simplification of permits and the procedure was attended by Minister of Industry Mr Saleh Husin and his staff. According to Mr Nasution, there must be rearrangement of some areas of regulation with regard to industries— such as infrastructure, tourism, fisheries and health. This is especially because industrialisation has become one of the important agenda of the government.
To that end, Nasution asked for their latest list of priority industries that could facilitate the government in stimulating economic progress through the real sector and labor-intensive. “A priority list will help the government to make one voice when talking to investors, one language with the Ministry of Trade and the agency also,” he said.
Minister of Industry Mr Saleh Husin expects the prioritised industry programmes could be supported by all relevant ministries. The inter-ministry support is very important because the government has a goal to maintain and improve the quality of existing industries, maintaining jobs and boosting national exports. “We have made the National Industrial Development Master Plan 2015-2035 with three stages of achievement, which is to increase the added value of natural resources, competitive and environmental advantages and Indonesia as the country’s resilient industry,” said Mr Saleh.
In addition, Mr Saleh ensures, the ease of licensing and procedures on investor-run should be brought to practice, complying with the commitments that have been set. (*)