JAKARTA— Road infrastructure is the vein of the economy, integrating the management of national...
Author - doddy farhan
Growing Middle Class Encourages Automotive Market
JAKARTA— The automotive industry plays an important role in the national economy. In addition to...
GIIAS 2015 Turns to Be World Premiere for New Models
JAKARTA— GIIAS 2015 has just found a new venue at ICE-BSD City. GIIAS provides more spacious area...
35 Merek Antusias Hadir di GIIAS 2015
JAKARTA— Terdapat 35 merek kendaraan dari passenger cars dan commercial vehicle yang akan tampil...
GIIAS 2015 Full Throttle, GAIKINDO and Vice President Meet
JAKARTA— GAIKINDO met Vice President (VP) Mr Jusuf Kalla in Jakarta on 22 June 2015. The meeting...
Bringing Flair to the Exhibition, GIIAS Grabs Large Corporations
JAKARTA – GAIKINDO Indonesia International Auto Show (GIIAS) officially is partnering with PT...
APM GAIKINDO Kerahkan Posko Mudik Lebaran 2015
JAKARTA— Sejumlah agen pemegang merek (APM) anggota Gabungan Industri Otomotif Indonesia (GAIKINDO)...
GIIAS 2015 Sumbangkan tas dan Buku untuk Anak Sekolah
JAKARTA— GAIKINDO mengisi kegiatan sosial GIIAS 2015 untuk memberikan bantuan alat sekolah...
ASEAN Vehicle Market Challenged (part 1)
JAKARTA— Vehicle sales in the six major markets of Southeast Asian countries are facing challenges...
The 21st Meeting of The Automotive Product Working Group (APWG)...
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