GAIKINDO launched a press conference ahead of GAIKINDO Indonesia International Auto Show (GIIAS) 2015. Taking place in Jakarta on Thursday, 6 August 2015, the conference confirmed over GAIKINDO’s over GIIAS as the newly named and the only international automotive exhibition in Indonesia with OICA’s endorsement. Apart from GAIKINDO’s Chairman Mr Sudirman MR, the conference was also attended by the First Chairman of GAIKINDO Mr Jongkie D Sugiarto, Chairman of GIIAS Organising Committee Mr Johnny Darmawan, GAIKINDO’s Treasurer Mr Henry Eric Wirawan, GAIKINDO’s Secretary General Mr Noegardjito, GAIKIDO’s Senior Advisor Mr Freddy Sutrisno, representatives of carmakers (APM), President Director of Seven Events Mr Andy Wismarsyah (event organiser), Ms Wianda Pusponegoro of Pertamina (GIIAS main sponsor). (PHOTOS: Sigit Pramono, GAIKINDO News)